- Building C, Street 169, Sangkat Veal Vong, Phnom Penh
- service@gc-life.com.kh
- 023 989 218 / 098 989 218
Innovative Financial Solution
Best Rates & Coverage
Exceptional Customer Experiences
Why GC Enrich Life?

- Ensure financial security for your family members if you are suddenly not around or become totally and permanently disabled (TPD)
- Provide your loved ones with up to 1,600% of the basic sum insured in the unfortunate case you pass away due to an accident (Subject to Rider Purchase)
- Waive your subsequent premium payments in the unfortunate case you become TPD or are diagnosed with or have undergone surgery due to a late stage critical illness (Subject to Rider Purchase)
- Includes many types of early and late stage critical illnesses coverage (Subject to Rider Purchase)
- Returns all the premium you paid on the basic product on the expiry date of the policy
Call us to get a Quote Now!
Call:098 989 218
Product Features
Multiple Options
Payment Period/Period of Insurance: 5 to 30 years
Mode of Payment: Annual, Semi-Annual, Quarterly and Monthly
Comprehensive Coverage
In addition to the standard death and TPD coverage, we provide coverage for 34 types of critical illnesses, so that you can have the best protection (Subject to Rider Purchase)
High Coverage
Receive up to 1,600% of the basic sum insured in the unfortunate case you pass away due to an accident (Subject to Rider Purchase)
Waiver of Premium
Waive your subsequent premium payments in the unfortunate case you become TPD or are diagnosed with or have undergone surgery due to a late stage (Subject to Rider Purchase)
Return of Premium
Receive all the premiums you paid (basic annual premium x payment period) at the expiry date of the policy
Insurance Benefits

Death Benefits
- Due to Non-Accident (Illness)
Receive 100% of the basic sum insured
- Due to Accident (Subject to Rider Purchase)
Receive up to 1,600% of the basic sum insured

TPD Benefits
- Due to Non-Accident (Illness)
Receive 100% of the basic sum insured
- Due to Accident (Subject to Rider Purchase)
Receive up to 600% of the basic sum insured

Cash Back Benefit
- Receive all the total annual basic premium you paid (basic annual premium x payment period) at the expiry date of the policy

* Early Stage Critical Illness Benefit
- Receive 25% of the CI Plus Rider sum insured (Maximum $25,000).
(Subject to Rider Purchase)
(Subject to Rider Purchase)

* Late Stage Critical Illness Benefit
- Receive 100% of the CI Plus Rider sum insured less any early stage critical illness paid, if any (Subject to Rider Purchase)

Waiver of Premium Upon Death, TPD or Late Stage Critical Illness of the Payor
- Subsequent premium payments shall be waived (Subject to Rider Purchase)

Waiver of Premium Upon TPD and/or Late Stage Critical Illness of the Insured
- Subsequent premium payments shall be waived (Subject to Rider Purchase)
*Survival period and waiting period apply!
Critical Illnesses Covered
Early Stage Critical Illness
Late Stage Critical Illness
- Cerebral Shunt Insertion
- Coma >=48h
- Major Stroke
- Coma >=96h
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Parkinson's Disease
- Cardiac Pacemaker or Defibrillator Insertion
- Coronary Angioplasty
- Percutaneous Valvuloplasty
- Valvulotomy
- Heart Attack
- Coronary Artery By-pass Surgery
- Open Heart Valve Replacement Surgery
- Heart Transplant
- Surgical removal of one Lung
- End Stage Lung Disease
- Lung Transplant
- Liver Surgery
- End Stage Liver Failure
- Liver Transplant
- Nephrectomy
- End Stage Kidney Failure
- Kidney Transplant
Small Bowel
- Small Bowel Transplant
- Pancreas Transplant
- Carcinoma In Situ
- Early Prostate cancer
- Early Thyroid Cancer
- Early Bladder Cancer
- Early Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
- Major Cancer
- Aplastic Anaemia
- 2nd Degree Burn
- 3rd Degree Burn