Grand Opening of Grand China Life Insurance
Our Chairman, Mr. Lao Chio Seng delivered the welcome remarks. His Excellency LY Thuch, Senior Minister of the Royal Government of Cambodia, Mr. Bou Chanphirou, Deputy Director General for the Finance Industry, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Mr. Jing Jun, General Manager of ICBC Limited Phnom Penh Branch delivered the congratulatory remarks. Moreover, there were many other special guests such as Lok Chumteav Cheoung Sopheap, Vice President of the Cambodian red cross, Oknha Pung Kheav Se, the Chairman and President of Canadia Bank Plc, entrepreneurs from Macao, and managers of small and medium-sized enterprises who came to send us their blessing. Hannover Reinsurance Company from Germany and China Reinsurance Company also assigned their representative to join us. Furthermore, there were many popular local media outlets in Cambodia that came to interview and talk about our Company. There were approximately one hundred special guests, family members, and friends who came to join us and we are so thankful for their support.